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Capricorn New Moon 01-29-25 03:53:40 (-08:00)

Walk the Path with Your Spiritual Values as Your Guiding Star
Venus dances with Neptune and the North Node in Pisces this moonth, weaving our values and relationships into our spiritual path. This serves as a backdrop to this Capricorn moonth urging us to keep our values in sight as we say, “Yes!” to the path toward our future vision. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, finalizes Aquarius this moonth just as Mars completes his retrograde shortly after the last quarter moon. Use this window of time to finalize your vision for the future now that your deepest desires are crystallizing. When Saturn enters Pisces, it will be a time of tapping into divine flow toward this vision. The gift frequencies of the Gene Keys to contemplate on this moonth are: Vitality, Initiative, Precision and Equilibrium.

Our Capricorn Moonth starting with the New Moon on January 29th
This new moon in Capricorn loosely conjunct Pluto with Mercury invites us to start walking our individual spiritual path as our minds are catching up to the deep seated perspective shift that has completed in the background. Dispositor Saturn highlights Venus’ dance with Neptune and the North Node and encourages us to visualize our future path guided by our values. The moon activates the 58th Gene Key: From Stress to Bliss. The shadow frequency of this key presents as dissatisfaction. This is the only key in which the shadow cannot be repressed. We only react to it by interfering with the flow of nature. At it’s gift frequency, dissatisfaction transmutes to vitality via joy. Experience joy by simply allowing life to express itself without resistance.

The first quarter moon on February 5th in Aries conjunct Uranus in Taurus challenges us to focus our inner fire on thinking outside the box when it comes to our resources. Two sextiles offer the opening to more deeply tap into the supportive trine between Mars retrograde and Saturn. Use this challenge to further integrate your deepest desires with your vision for the future. The moon activates the 51st Gene Key: Initiative to Initiation. The shadow frequency of this key is agitation. The repressive manifestation shows as cowardice in those that have lost hope and shut down. The reactive form shows up as hostility that projects from this sense of futility. At the gift frequency agitation shifts to initiative where our competitive spirit serves creativity. Empower yourself to embrace your creativity and see where it leads you!

The full moon on February 12th in Leo invites a status check on our passions and creations. Its opposition to the Sun and Mercury forms a T Square to Uranus in Taurus initiating a life lesson concerning our unique approach to resources. A trine to Chiron offers supportive healing energy, making it a great time to contemplate the 62nd Gene Key activated by this moon: The Language of Light. The shadow frequency of this key shows up as intellect which forsakes the wisdom of the body for the thoughts of the mind. The repressive nature of intellect is obsession in which the forest is missed by focusing on the details of the trees. The reactive manifestation is pedantry in which obscure details are used to disprove and disempower others. The gift frequency of this key presents as precision which comes to the fore as you begin to take full responsibility for your behavior. A balance is struck between heart and mind and natural intelligence emerges. Let the heart lead and the mind work in service to the heart.

The last quarter moon on February 20th at 0º Scorpio challenges us to embrace the truth of the matter. A trine to Venus’ dance in Pisces offers support from our spiritual values. Oppositions to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus remind us to balance the truth we unearth with opportunities and thinking outside the box with resources. The moon activates the 50th Gene Key: Cosmic Order. The shadow frequency of this key is corruption, more objectively contemplated as an incorrect translation of data during transmission or retrieval. Repressively, corruption shows up as being overloaded due to feeling overwhelmed by the weight of the world. The reactive nature manifests as irresponsibility in which no personal accountability is taken for one’s actions. The gift frequency creates equilibrium in your life. A natural balance emerges when personal responsibility is embraced.
I hope you find value in this journey through the Gene Keys with me. I’ve opened up a discussion group on Telegram connected to these moonthly readings. I invite you to discuss how you see these energies manifest in your life. Contemplate on the Gene Keys and look into Richard Rudd’s work in this modality. I would be honored to run your True Sidereal Gene Keys and help you embody personal responsibility and a more self-reliant life.
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