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Leo New Moon 09-02-24 19:33:00 (-07:00)
Integrate Your Passions, Heal and Build Freedom for your Future
There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.
The Leo 2024 Moonth
Mercury is moving direct now as we commence this passion centric Leo moonth. You should feel more comfortable taking decisive action with anything that you have been rethinking over the past moonth. This moon cycle starts out with a focus on balancing and integrating our passions with the future that we are building. The full moon activates a nice kite formation that has the potential to carry us through wild winds as we nimbly cultivate a deeper understanding and embodiment of liberty. The moonth finishes with a reminder of the balance needed between control and flow on our life path.
Our Leo Moonth starting with the New Moon on September 2nd
This New Moon in Leo gives us a chance to take action with what we’ve learned about our passions in life over the previous moonth with Mercury Retrograde. An opposition to Saturn in Aquarius reminds us that any action taken toward our passions must be balanced with what we are building for the future.
The first quarter moon on September 11th in Ophiuchus challenges us to embrace some deep healing. The Sun and Moon form a mystic square (back to back T squares) with Saturn in Aquarius and Jupiter in Taurus. The pressure of a mystic square can be intense, but used constructively can be re-framed as a diamond created from that pressure. Focusing on balancing the oppositions helps to integrate the squares. In this case, find the balance between resource perspective and deep healing work as well as between passions and what you are building for the future so that you can integrate all four. A trine to Chiron in Pisces adds strong support for healing during this quarter moon.
The full moon partial lunar eclipse on September 17th in Pisces conjunct Neptune encourages us to check in with our spirituality and ability to flow with what we cannot control. A square to Jupiter in Taurus presents a challenge from our perception of resources. The moon with Neptune forms the top of a kite with a sextile to both Pluto in Sagittarius and Uranus in Taurus, which subsequently form a grand trine with the Sun in Virgo. As you embrace your ability to flow with what you cannot control you will likely find yourself adaptively cultivating the depth of freedom that you seek.
The last quarter moon on September 24th in Gemini brings communication, learning and exchange challenges. A trine to Venus in Virgo offers support by improving what we can control in a relationship, ourselves. A T square to Neptune in Pisces and the Nodes reminds us to balance what we can control with what we cannot as well as where we came from with where we are headed.
The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check with the Leo Full Moon in February on the development of our passions in life. Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.
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