Scorpio Moonth 2024

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Scorpio New Moon 11-30-24 22:33:42 (-08:00)

Find Quiet Contemplation to Integrate Deep Healing


There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.  

Scorpio New Moon 11-30-24 22:33:42 (-08:00)​

The Scorpio 2024 Moonth

This Scorpio moonth is accompanied by two powerful retrogrades.  Mercury is retrograde in Ophiuchus as of the 25th and will retrace his path through Ophiuchus and Scorpio throughout the holidays giving us a chance to contemplate and integrate deep truths in our lives.  Mars then begins his retrograde in Cancer on December 6th and will retrace his path through Cancer and Gemini allowing for a deeper understanding of what we truly desire with family and security and in some aspects communication and exchange.  Mars will be retrograde through late February of 2025.  Find quiet time for contemplation this moonth so that the information received during this retrograde can be integrated with healing intent.

Our Scorpio Moonth starting with the New Moon on November 30th.

This new moon in Scorpio near Mercury Retrograde in Ophiuchus offers an opportunity to set intentions for quiet contemplation as winter sets in (Northern Hemisphere).  A grand trine with Mars in Cancer and the North Node in Pisces offers immense support via our desire for security and connection and our spiritual path.  A T square formed with Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius encourages us to find healthy interdependence so that we can integrate innovative, lasting structures in our lives. 

The first quarter moon on December 8th in Aquarius conjunct Saturn illuminates this same T square from the perspective of the parameters in place for building innovative structures that last.  What information from Mercury Retrograde have you been receiving that is presenting challenges for you in this sector?  Mars is retrograde now in Cancer.  A rehashing of desires especially in the realm of home, family & security will present a theme through to late February.

The full moon on December 15th in Taurus as Mercury is Station Direct invites us to check in on our resources and self-worth as it relates to the healing contemplation gift that Mercury Retrograde brought us the last three weeks.  A T square with Neptune challenges us spiritually, yet Mars Retrograde forms a grand trine with Mercury and the North Node offering a very supportive interplay between our healing integration, rehashing of desires & spiritual path.  

The last quarter moon on December 22nd in Virgo conjunct the South Node challenges us to release some past patterns after all of the depth of this moonth.  The opposition to Neptune with the North Node reminds us to strike a balance between the release of the past and the spiritual path of our future. A sextile to Mars Retrograde offers supportive energy as we rehash our desires.  A trine to Pluto at the very end of Sagittarius offers support from our transformed perspective.  Overall, it looks to be a time of depth that will have proved quite healing in retrospect.  

The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check with the Ophiuchus Full Moon in June on how our healing journey has been since unearthing the depths this winter.  Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind. 

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