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Pisces Total Solar Eclipse 04-08-24 11:17:07 (-07:00)

Continue to Integrate Your Spirituality with Your Life Path
There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow. Eclipses encourage us to integrate this flow with our life path.

The Second Pisces 2024 Moonth
We start this moonth out with a Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces perfectly conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. Mercury will be retrograde in the same sign for the first half of the moonth, graciously providing us with all of the new information we need to set us on our true spiritual path. Saturn comes together with Mars, which can make for frustrating times. Mars does not appreciate being bound by the time constraints of Saturn. Be mindful of your energy flow and focus on keeping it receptive and watchful this moonth. Dive into the wounds that are activated by Chiron and give yourself permission to be internal this moonth. There is profound healing available that will set you upon your new spiritual path. It is up to you whether you choose to walk it or not.
Our Second Pisces Moonth starting with the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th
This New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is the second new moon in Pisces giving us a bit more time to find our spiritual flow. This is a quiet time, a time of rest and reflection. A perfect conjunction to Chiron ensures that wounds will be activated. I would like to invite you to embrace this chance for healing in lieu of remaining a victim to whatever this wound is for you. Mercury is retrograde here in Pisces as well, providing us with plenty of new information in this arena.
The first quarter moon on April 15th in Cancer brings a challenge to our emotional security. A trine to Neptune reminds us that there is support by remaining receptive and quiet. An opposition to Pluto in Capricorn seeks balance with the breakdown of structures around us.
The full moon on April 23rd in Virgo prompts another status check on work, health and routine. The moon now squares Pluto in Capricorn bringing challenges from the breakdown of structures. Last moonth, we were given the opportunity to release past patterns in this area of life. How is that going for you? Do you see how to restructure your work, health and routine so that you can better serve your life path?
The last quarter moon on May 1st in Capricorn highlights the challenges from the structures and long term plans in our life. A trine to the South Node in Virgo provides further support for releasing past patterns with work, health and routine. A sextile to the North Node opens the door for our spiritual path.
The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check in September with the full moon in Pisces prompting a status check on our new spiritual life path. Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.
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