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Capricorn New Moon 01-21-23 14:43:27 (-07:00)

Set Your Authentic Path and Walk it One Step at a Time
There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.

The Capricorn 2023 Moonth
Our collective perspective shift is finalizing this year with Pluto slowly finishing its transit of Sagittarius. This moonth activates that shift and marks the beginning of some much needed forward moving energy. Mars has been retrograde since late October and is now direct and inching his way back across the path that we have been reworking with our resources. Mercury just had his three-week retrograde in Sagittarius giving us plenty of new information regarding perspective and higher awareness. Uranus begins to move forward again this moonth and has been retrograde since late August placing a collective pause on self-actualization. With everything finally moving forward, this moonth is an excellent opportunity to take what we have learned over the past few moonths and begin to chart our authentic path for the future.
Our Capricorn Moonth starting with the New Moon on January 21st
This highly transformative New Moon at 0° Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius is nudging us to set some profound intentions for our future. With a trine to Mars, there is support from everything that we have learned during his retrograde about the slow and steady path toward cultivating resources. The dispositor Saturn is also in Capricorn conjunct Venus illuminating the value in steadily building lasting structures for our lives. A sextile to Jupiter offers up opportunities to build abundance into the course we are setting now.
The first quarter moon on January 28th in Aries conjunct the North Node challenges us to walk our authentic path. A trine to Mercury supports us as we continue to broaden our horizons through learning, communication and exchange.
The full moon on February 5th in Leo invites a status check on matters of the heart. Look to any harvests, or lack thereof, with your passions in life. A T-square to Uranus in Aries offers up a lesson with forging our authentic path. Challenge yourself to balance your passion and creativity with diligence and structures so that the nuances of your authentic path will become clear to you.
The last quarter moon challenge on February 13th in Libra reminds us to keep balance and harmony in mind as we set this authentic path. A square to Saturn as it begins its transit through Aquarius may introduce a little bit of fear of the unknown looming ahead of us. Challenge yourself to think outside of the box to create or implement truly useful innovations. A trine to Venus and Neptune in Pisces offers some support from our spiritual values.
The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check in early August with the full moon in Capricorn offering a chance to reflect in on the structures we have built on this authentic path. Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.
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