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Libra New Moon 11-23-22 16:41:12 (-07:00)

A Transformation of Values is at Hand
There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.

The Libra (December) 2022 Moonth
This Libra moonth places quite an emphasis on a Venus centric transformation. Venus is the dispositor or ruler of both Libra and Taurus where the new moon and full moon of this moonth both take place. She starts the moonth out with a deep excavation of truth regarding our values and relationships. As she moves through Scorpio an enters Ophiuchus we are offered an opportunity to dive deep into our wounds and begin healing from the past. At the full moon she is poised over the Galactic Center, located at the end of Ophiuchus in the center of the Milky Way, allowing for a reflection on the old as we make way for the new. The Galactic Center is the point on the ecliptic in which transformations occur. It is a powerful place in the sky. At the final challenge of the moonth she is in a trine to Uranus proving to be quite supportive of our true selves after her transformation.
Our Libra Moonth starting with the New Moon on November 23rd
This New Moon in Libra on the Scorpio cusp offers up some profound thoughts regarding the deep truth and balance of our values. There is support from a new spiritual wisdom with a trine to Jupiter in Pisces. The dispositor, Venus, is conjunct Mercury in Scorpio causing our minds to be consumed by the depth of our values and relationships.
The first quarter moon on November 30th in Aquarius will likely have us feeling erratic and restless with a strong desire to break free. There is support via a releasing of what we must from the past. Take heed of any deep truths that are being revealed and let old paradigms go.
The full moon right between December 7th & 8th, depending upon where you are in the world, is in Taurus. Look to any harvests, or lack thereof, in your resource sector. It is in a near perfect conjunction to a Retrograde Mars highlighting the importance of maintaining control of our fire. The dispositor, Venus, is directly over the transformative Galactic Center. There is no turning back now; our values and relationships are transforming. A trine to Saturn offers support via structure and discipline and a square to Neptune challenges us to be mindful of what we cannot control.
The last quarter moon challenge on December 16th in Virgo encourages us to refine our work, routine and health with this change of values in mind. An opposition to both Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces reminds us to balance what we can control with what we cannot, and a trine to Pluto continues to support us with a transforming perspective. Venus at this time is approaching a trine to Uranus showing supportive harmony between our new values and true selves.
The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check in June with the full moon in Scorpio offering a reflection on the deep transformations we’ve experienced. Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.
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