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Virgo New Moon 11-01-24 Early Morning
Improve the Ground you Stand on as you Embrace a Higher Purpose
There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.
The Second Virgo 2024 Moonth
This moonth gives a second chance to improve our health, systems and routines as we shift through the seasons. Being at the feet of Virgo near the Libra cusp encourages us to find our balance as we perfect the new ground we stand on. Pluto forms the tip of a kite formation that carries our higher purpose forward with the help of Mercury, Mars and Neptune. Uranus has a dual energy this moonth as he forms T squares, trines and a kite. Seeking freedom in the resource sector may feel a bit like a roller coaster this moonth. Saturn completes its retrograde near the full moon allowing any internal restrictions to break loose a bit.
Our Second Virgo Moonth starting with the New Moon on November 1st
This new moon at the feet of Virgo near the Libra cusp encourages us to find balance and improve the ground we stand on. A trine to a retrograde Saturn in Aquarius brings support as we rework the foundations of our future. The new moon is accompanied by two kite formations, one with Pluto at the head carrying our higher perspective forward and the other with Uranus at the head carrying our resource freedom forward each with the aide of harmonious thinking (Mercury in Libra), a desire to nurture those we love (Mars in Cancer) and divine timing (Neptune in Pisces).
The first quarter moon on November 8th in Capricorn forms a T square with retrograde Uranus in Taurus challenging us to take responsibility for the resource freedom that we seek. Striking a balance between harmonious expression and the need for resource freedom will help to integrate the squares. A trine to Jupiter in Taurus brings opportunities and new perspectives with resources.
The full moon on November 15th in Taurus conjunct retrograde Uranus invites a status check on our resources with an illumination on the freedom we cultivate in that sector. A trine to Pluto offers support from our higher purpose. The dispositor, Venus in Sagittarius further illuminates this through the lens of values and relationships. Her square to Neptune presents a spiritual challenge, yet Neptune’s sextile to the moon offers a beneficial spiritual opening at the same time.
The last quarter moon on November 22nd in Leo forms another T square with Uranus, this time challenging us to integrate our passions and creations with our resource freedom. Continue to balance harmonious expression with the need for resource freedom to integrate the squares. With the Sun on the Libra/Scorpio cusp, a greater depth to this balance will be felt. Pluto’s kite is reformed this last quarter moon with help from our self expression in lieu of our minds giving a chance for the thought forms from earlier in the moonth to emerge into expressive reality.
The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check with the Virgo Full Moon in April on how how firm the ground is that we stand on as we embrace a higher purpose. Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.
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