Virgo Eclipse Moonth 2024

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Virgo Solar Annular Eclipse 10-02-24 11:44:51 (-07:00)

Release Old Thought Patterns on What is Best in Life

There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.  Eclipses happen when a new moon or full moon are near the Nodes.  These are especially important in that they impact us more personally on our life path.

Virgo Solar Annular Eclipse 10-02-24 11:44:51 (-07:00)​

The Virgo Eclipse 2024 Moonth

This moonth marks the end of the 2024 Eclipse Season with a South Node Solar Annular Eclipse in Virgo.  Pluto ends his retrograde this moonth and embarks on his final passage through the end of Sagittarius.  Just as Pluto restarts his journey to transform our perspective, we are being presented with the opportunity to release old thought patterns regarding what is best or most healthful in our day to day lives.  Mystic Squares put some intense pressure on us throughout the moonth with some deep healing available if embraced.  A much needed reset on our life path could prove to be difficult, but in hindsight will likely have been worth the effort.

Our Virgo Eclipse Moonth starting with the Solar Annular Eclipse on October 2nd

This New Moon is a Solar Annular Eclipse tightly conjunct the South Node and Mercury in Virgo offering a chance to release old thought patterns around what is best in life as we strike a balance with our developing spiritual path. A square to Mars in Gemini presents a challenge via our desires to learn and exchange with others.  The Mars energy is eased as he is also in a Grand Trine with Venus in Virgo and Saturn in Aquarius.  Perfecting our personal values and the way we relate as well as embracing the unique structures in our life will support our desire to exchange with others and help us to integrate this with the South Node release.

The first quarter moon on October 10th in Sagittarius forms a Mystic Square with Chiron in Pisces, Mars in Gemini and the Sun in Virgo.  When embraced, intense pressure of these back to back T squares encourage us to form diamonds in our life.  Work toward balancing your emotional perspective with the desire to learn and communicate as well as the work patterns that can be released with the activation of wounds that cannot be controlled to integrate all four and find healing, a new perspective, the actualization of your desires and a new beginning to work, health and routine.  Of note, Pluto in Sagittarius goes station direct later this evening.  This will very slowly begin bringing our transforming perspective toward a more outward manifestation as this transit is finalized collectively by the end of this year.  

The full moon on October 17th in Pisces conjunct Chiron activates another Mystic Square with Mars in Gemini, Pluto in Sagittarius and the Sun in Virgo.  The moon illuminates the wound activation portion of this Mystic Square and encourages us to check in on how we are balancing what we can control versus what we cannot.  Also striking a balance with our transforming higher wisdom and our desire to learn and communicate will help to integrate these four to continue to support our healing, actualization of desires, perspective shift and our new direction with work, health and routine.

The last quarter moon on October 23rd in Cancer conjunct Mars presents a challenge to our security and emotions.  The moon joins a Grand Trine with Venus in Scorpio and the North Node in Pisces offering support to deepen our values and relationships as well as encourage our spiritual path.  The moon also trines Neptune in Pisces offering even more support by going with the flow.  An opposition to Pluto in Sagittarius reminds us to find a balance with our perspective shift.  

The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check with the Virgo Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in March on how well we have embraced our perspective shift regarding what is best in life.  Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.

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