Second Virgo 2022 Moonth

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Virgo New Moon 10-25-22 02:47:00 (-07:00)

Separate the Wheat from the Chaff on the Path Toward your True Self

There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six-month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow. Eclipses carry a greater meaning that can be felt on an annual cycle.

Virgo Partial Solar Eclipse Oct 25, 2022 02:47:00 (-7:00)

The Virgo (November) Moonth

This second Virgo moonth commences with a Partial Solar Eclipse and gives us another opportunity to get ourselves organized with a focus on our values and relationships. We still find our ever changing perception to be a challenge. However, with Mars having recently gone retrograde (which only happens every other year) in Taurus, we are realizing that it will take a patient, steady and deliberate drive toward cultivating the important things in life to support these healthier values and relationships. This is a great time to separate the wheat from the chaff so to say. It would be beneficial to ask ourselves if our current values and relationships have us on the proper path toward being our true selves?

Our Virgo Moonth starting with the Partial Solar Eclipse on October 25th

This Partial Solar Eclipse encourages us to dig deep within ourselves and further refine our lives. With a close conjunction to Venus, our values and relationships come sharply into focus. It is time to separate the wheat from the chaff; use true discernment to determine what we should carry forward with us on our life path. All eclipses carry with them the major themes of each year. This year, with the North Node (our future) traveling in tandem with Uranus in Aries, there has been a major focus on striving toward the freedom to be our true selves. Mars offers support as we find ourselves slowing down to direct our energy toward cultivating resources.

The first quarter moon on November 1st issues a life lesson with a highly charged T-square between Saturn (illuminated by the moon), Uranus with the North Node and the Sun with Venus and the South Node. We are challenged by the restrictions we find ourselves contending with as well as the long road ahead of us. We must find balance between the illumination of our past values and relationships and our path toward our true selves so that we can properly integrate this challenge.

The full moon and Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8th in Aries, conjunct Uranus and the North Node, invites a status check on our intentions for the moonth as well as the last roughly six moonths. Look to any harvests, or lack thereof, on our path toward discovering your true self. We have all been working so hard at this all year. Now is a great time to see just how far we have come. There is still a T-square involving Saturn here that is teaching us to integrate the long road and balance our past values with our future selves. The dispositor, Mars, offers support to the long road with a slowed focus on cultivating resources. Mars is also in a square to Neptune, reminding us of what we cannot control. Sometimes, inaction is the best action toward our vision for the future. Resist the urge to fight the current and keep your eye on the long road.

The last quarter moon challenge on November 16th in Leo reminds us to integrate our passions and those that we love. These are serious times, but we all must take the time to have fun and offer strength for those that we love. This may seem difficult with an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn. Find a balance between duty and fun, making sure not to neglect either.

The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check in early May with the full moon at 2° Libra, just past the Virgo/Libra cusp, and will likely highlight the relational energy that we will all be working on. Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.

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