First Leo 2023 Moonth

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First Leo New Moon 08-17-23 01:45:57 (-07:00)

Assess your Values and Build the Freedom to Live your Passions

There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.

Leo New Moon 08-16-23 01:45:57 (-07:00)

The First Leo 2023 Moonth

This moonth kicks off with a new moon in Leo near the halfway point of Venus retrograde in the same sign placing a deeper emphasis on assessing our values and relationships as they pertain to our heart and passion.  Mercury joins Venus with his retrograde commencing in Leo on August 23rd adding new information to the area.  Saturn plays a bit of a role as well, encouraging us to build innovative structures.  This is a great time to assess our values and think about how to implement them throughout our lives.

Our Leo Moonth starting with the New Moon on August 16th

This new moon is right near Venus Retrograde in Leo activating the re-examination of our values and relationships.  A square to Uranus in Taurus challenges us to find the freedom to enjoy life on our terms, according to our value set.  Uranus takes part in a grand trine with Pluto in Sagittarius and Mars with Mercury in Leo adding support to finding this freedom from our perspective shift and passionate mind and drive.  A grand trine between the new moon, North Node with Chiron in Pisces and the Galactic Center is very supportive for healing our spirituality.  You may find it easier to dive through old wounds and come out much more spiritually secure on the other side.

The first quarter challenge on August 24th in Libra square Saturn retrograde in Aquarius pushes us to find balance and rework our innovative structures to align with the values that are becoming more clear as the moonth carries on.  A trine to Neptune in Pisces offers spiritual support and an opposition to Uranus in Taurus reminds us of the need for freedom to enjoy life on our terms.  Mercury’s retrograde in Leo has just commenced.  Expect new information concerning those we love and our passions over the next three weeks and be ready to experiment and pivot as needed.

The full moon on August 30th conjunct a retrograde Saturn in Aquarius nudges us to check in on and likely re-work our long term innovative structures.  This should be the dominant energy of this full moon as Saturn is also the dispositor of Aquarius.  Uranus is the secondary, modern ruler of Aquarius, therefore, we will likely be reminded of the support we have throughout this moonth to find the freedom to live according to our passions.

The last quarter challenge on September 6th in Taurus square Mercury retrograde at his halfway point in Leo further highlights our values and resources as it relates to the theme of the moonth.  There is a sextile to Venus that has just gone direct in Cancer opening the door for us to fold security for ourselves and those we love into the implementation of our new value set moving forward.  What have you learned about your passions so far this Mercury retrograde?  How have your values and relationships evolved during Venus’ retrograde?  It’s time to value our passions and live life accordingly.

The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check in late February with the full moon in Leo encouraging us to look back on how well we have lived our passions since this moonth.

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