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Cancer New Moon 07-17-23 10:38:40 (-07:00)

Divine Support to Secure the Future of What You Hold Dear
There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.

The Cancer 2023 Moonth
This moonth our Pluto induced, solidifying new perspective is activated with the new moon at a near perfect 0 degrees Cancer, adding an element of security to the mix. Venus begins her retrograde on the 22nd in Leo gifting us roughly six weeks to reflect on our values and relationships, especially as it relates to passion, fun & creation. Neptune offers support from the flow this moonth after working through the challenges of last moonth.
Our Cancer Moonth starting with the New Moon on July 17th
This new moon is at 0 degrees Cancer offering a new focus on protecting ourselves and those we love. A trine to Neptune offers divine support for creating a secure environment. An opposition to Pluto, activating many T squares with the nodes, invites us to strike a balance with our new paradigm and challenges us to keep honoring our life path. A sextile to Uranus, finishing Aries, provides an opening for support via independence and freedom.
The first quarter challenge on July 25th in Virgo, now squaring Pluto, challenges us to integrate our new paradigm into our work, health and routine. A conjunction to the South Node activates past patterns offering us a chance to release them. The new innovative structures we are building support us in this challenge with a trine to Saturn in Aquarius.
The full moon on August 1st in Capricorn prods a status check on our long term projects. A square to Jupiter in Aries challenges us to expand upon our independence. The dispositor, Saturn in Aquarius, is in an opposition to Mercury in Leo encouraging us to balance the innovations we are working toward with our passionate mind. What have we accomplished in the last six months? Are there any big projects that you need to focus on finishing up? Are we working too hard and not honoring our passions or are we playing too much and neglecting the work?
The last quarter challenge on August 8th in Aries conjunct Jupiter keeps the pressure on to expand our independence. A trine to both Mercury and Mars in Leo offers support from our passionate mind and drive. Of note, Venus is now roughly half way through her retrograde in Leo. There have likely been some enlightening insights into our passions, values and relationships. This would be a good time to act upon those insights with a focus on independence and freedom.
The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check at the end of December & January with the full moons in Gemini & Cancer offering a chance to reflect on what we’ve learned and implemented with regards to the security of ourselves and those we love.
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