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Pisces New Moon 03-21-23 10:12:15 (-07:00)

Keep Your Future Vision in Sight and Get Ready to Ride the Wave
There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.

The First Pisces 2023 Moonth
Mars is finally finishing it’s long transit of Taurus. These long months (since August) have likely felt painfully slow. Action has been slow and deliberate. This energy eases this moonth as Mars enters Gemini offering a tactical multi-tasking ability for our drive. There is a grand trine between Mars here, Saturn in Aquarius and the South Node in Virgo for the most of the moonth providing the support we need to integrate the work from our past and quick agile thinking to build lasting structures with our ideal future in mind. With the new moon in Pisces, however, it will be important to go with the flow instead of fighting the current.
Our First Pisces Moonth starting with the New Moon on March 21st
This is the first of two Pisces moonths this year. This new moon comes with a lot of energy in Pisces with a conjunction to both Mercury and Neptune (the ruler of Pisces). We might find ourselves feeling a bit helpless, emotional, and tossed by the waves. With a square to Mars as he finishes Taurus, we are reminded of how badly we just want to get stuff done to secure resources. Set the intention to ride the waves this moonth, and next. Be ready to strike at the right moment and remember, sometimes the best action is inaction.
The first quarter moon challenge on March 28th in Gemini brings a challenge to the day-to-day flow. However, it also activates the grand trine of the moonth between, Mars, Saturn & the South Node. Whatever challenges you here will likely aide you in building your future. Remember what you are working toward and find your flow.
The full moon on April 5th in Virgo invites a status check with work, health and routine. An opposition to Jupiter in Pisces urges us to strike a balance between our work and the flow of opportunity. The Dispositor, Mercury conjunct the North Node in Aries activates the Grand trine again via sextiles to both Mars and Saturn (forming a kite in the chart). As our minds focus on self-reliance and independence, we’ll know what we need to do to build the future we want. Mercury also squares Pluto in Sagittarius, challenging us to keep our transforming perspective in mind.
The last quarter moon challenge on April 13th in Sagittarius nearing Pluto challenges our perception yet again. A square to Jupiter poses obstacles relating to the flow of opportunity. However, a trine to Uranus in Aries offers support as we assert our true selves.
The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check in at the end of September with the full moon in Pisces offering a chance to reflect on the choices we made during this time of flux. Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.
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