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Sagittarius New Moon 01-11-24 03:12:38 (-08:00)
Integrate New Perspectives with the Path Illuminated by Wounds
There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow. Eclipses happen when a new moon or full moon are near the Nodes. These are especially important in that they impact the path of humanity.
The Sagittarius 2024 Moonth
Sagittarius, the constellation of new horizons, broadening perspectives and finding higher meaning hosted the majority of Mercury’s Retrograde last moonth. Armed with new information in this area, it is now time to take advantage of all of the energy here and integrate our new perspective with our life path. The direction of our future is further illuminated by our wounds as the North Node and Chiron come together. Chiron starts out the moonth with a supportive aspect from Venus before experiencing a series of squares from the faster movers as the moonth progresses. I hope you are all able to face your wounds and find healing as you continue the course on your life path.
Our Sagittarius Moonth starting with the New Moon on January 11th
This New Moon in Sagittarius urges us to find integration of our changing perspective with our wounds and our life path. Chiron is experiencing a trine from Venus easing the challenge with support from our relationships and values. A trine to Uranus in Aries offers further support from our authentic needs. The Dispositor, Jupiter in Aries trines Mars in Sagittarius which sets us up for success as we strive for our needs and independence.
The first quarter moon on January 17th in Pisces square Pluto challenges us to honor periods of rest and find our spiritual flow as we continue to birth a new meaning to our lives. A trine to Venus offers support from relationship and value related wounds. Take some space here and find healing.
The full moon on January 25th in Cancer invites a status check on the security of what we hold dear. A T square emanating from Jupiter in Aries presents a challenge to integrate building for the future and our security at home with our aspirations. What opportunities are presenting themselves toward our desires? How can we make sure to diligently build toward them while maintaining the security of home and family in mind.
The last quarter moon challenge on February 2nd at the beginning of Libra challenges us to find balance and harmony with life and relationships. An opposition to Jupiter and Uranus in Aries reminds us to keep our aspirations and authentic self assertion in mind. A trine to Saturn offers support via diligence and hard work. A sextile to Venus as she transits Sagittarius creates an opening for support from new relationship and value perspectives.
The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check in June with the full moon in Sagittarius offering a chance to reflect in on our new perspectives. Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.
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