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Taurus New Moon 05-19-23 07:59:33 (-07:00)

Take Stock of your Resources & Trust the Path Forward
There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow. Eclipses touch the nodes and therefore set the tone for the major life path developments of the year.

The First Taurus 2023 Moonth
There will be two Taurus moonths this year giving us ample time to get our resources in order. Pluto still has a lot to teach us this moonth as he continues to form T-squares throughout the moonth. An opposition to Mars in Cancer encourages us to balance our ego with our power. Mars represents our desires and Pluto makes sure we shed that which is not serving us. Later in the moonth, Venus takes over the opposition to Pluto encouraging a balance between values & relationships and letting go. Now that Mercury retrograde is at an end, we should all have plenty of new information about our desires for the future at our fingertips. As you start taking action toward securing your future, be careful not to do it at the expense of others. Jupiter will be conjunct the North Node for the moonth adding an expansive energy to the T squares and encouraging us to trust the path forward.
Our first Taurus Moonth starting with the New Moon on May 19th
This new moon is at the early part of Taurus giving us an opportunity set new intentions for our resources. A trine to Pluto offers a nice supportive energy to an otherwise difficult set of T squares. Jupiter, the North Node & Mercury come together in a T square with Pluto and Mars to remind us to let go of some of our egocentric needs, take the information we have learned during the retrograde and trust the path forward. Two sextiles, one to Mars in Cancer and the other to Neptune in Pisces offers an opportunity to strengthen the trine between Neptune and Mars. An indirect path could likely illuminate the perfect time to take action.
The first quarter challenge on May 27th in Leo forms an additional T square with Saturn in Aquarius nudging us to strike a balance between passion and duty as we build and innovate for the future. A trine to Jupiter, Mercury and the North Node offers opportunities and support from the path we have chosen.
The full moon on June 3rd in Scorpio has us checking in with our deeper side. We have had the opportunity to do a lot of shadow work with Pluto over the past six months and more. Are you embracing your deeper side? Venus takes up Mars’ former position opposite Pluto adding an emphasis of values and relationships to the T square lessons being learned this moonth. Are there any values or relationships that you should allow to be removed from your life?
The last quarter challenge on June 10th in the last degree of Aquarius gives us a glimpse at the obstacles we will likely be faced with as we build and innovate our future. A sextile to Uranus opens the door for keeping us on track for true self actualization.
The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check in at the end of November with the full moon in Taurus offering a chance to reflect on how our resources have developed throughout the year. Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.
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