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Taurus New Moon 06-17-23 22:24:30 (-07:00)

Shake off Perceived Limitations, Find your Resource Flow & Go with it
There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.

The Second Taurus 2023 Moonth
Pluto continues to challenge the life path for the remainder of this year, slowly solidifying our new perspective and setting the course for the years to come. This second Taurus moonth gives us another chance to get our resources in order commencing with a challenge from Neptune to find the flow. Saturn goes retrograde at the new moon and trines the South Node for the entire moonth, creating an inward focus on structures & limitations & encouraging a release of past patterns. It’s time to let go of our perceived limitations, take whatever has come up in the resource sector this past moonth, find the flow, and roll with it.
Our second Taurus Moonth starting with the New Moon on June 17th
This second new moon at the end of Taurus with a square to Neptune in Pisces challenges us to take the time given to find our resource flow. A trine to the South Node facilitates the release of past resource patterns. It is important to keep our values of home and family security in mind with the dispositor, Venus, in Cancer. Venus’ conjunction to Mars in Leo reminds us of our desire for passion and creativity. Her square to Jupiter in Aries could make it challenging to find the balance between security and freedom.
The first quarter challenge on June 26th in Virgo with a square to Mercury in Taurus challenges us to rethink our work, health and routine. A trine to Pluto supports the current transformation of our life path. An opposition to Neptune reminds us to find a balance between work and rest. It may feel easier to let go of perceived internal limitations as the Sun forms a grand trine with Saturn & the South Node this week.
The full moon on July 3rd in Sagittarius invites a status check on our expanding perspective. An opposition to Mercury in Gemini seeks balance with communication and exchange. A trine to the dispositor, Jupiter, in Aries supports an expansion of ideals surrounding independence and freedom. How have you expanded your horizons in the past six months? Has this expansion cultivated more independence and freedom in your life?
The last quarter challenge on July 9th in Pisces makes sure that we do not forget our ongoing struggle to go with the flow. Of note, but not aspecting the moon, Mercury is opposite Pluto, intensifying his year long T-square challenge to our life path. There could be a breakdown of communications or exchange that plays into the transformation of our life path.
The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check in at the end of November with the full moon in Taurus offering a chance to reflect on how our resources have developed throughout the year. Set any intentions with this longer cycle in mind.
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