Libra Moonth 2023

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Libra New Moon 11-13-23 00:47:51 (-08:00)

Finalize the Perspective Shift and Cultivate Balance in Your Life

There are two cycles that should be looked at with new moons. One is the monthly cycle from new moon to new moon (think short term goals) and the other is roughly a six month cycle that ends when the full moon is in the same sign (long term goals). New moons offer a chance to set intentions that line up with the current energy flow.  Eclipses happen when a new moon or full moon are near the Nodes.  These are especially important in that they impact the path of humanity.

Libra New Moon 11-13-23 00:47:51 (-08:00)​

The Libra 2023 Moonth

This moonth offers one last push to finalize our shift of perspective as it relates to our life path with a new moon focused on balancing relational desires with the freedom to be independent.  The full moon prompts a dynamic status check on resources and values.  Both new and full moons are ruled by Venus in Virgo placing a theme of improving our relationships and values this moonth.  How has Pluto’s T-square to the Nodes manifested in your life this year?  How has your perspective changed relating to your life path?  This moonth is a good opportunity to finalize this shift and cultivate balance in your life before embracing the internal quiet nature of winter.

Our Libra Moonth starting with the New Moon on November 13th

This Libra new moon is very nearly conjunct Mars encouraging us to seek balance with our relationship needs and desires.  An opposition to Uranus, as it slowly finalizes Aries, reminds us to factor in our need for freedom and independence as we strive for this balance.  A trine to Neptune in Pisces offers divine support and the dispositor, Venus in Virgo places a theme of improving and bettering our relationships and values.

The first quarter challenge on November 20th conjunct Saturn in Aquarius illuminates a clash between our desire for balance and the restrictions laid before us.  With Mars involved in this square as well, there will likely be some very strong frustration and pent up anger felt during this time.  Be mindful of your energy.  It could be a volatile week.  A trine to the South Node in Virgo facilitates the release of old work or health patterns.  

The full moon on November 27th in Taurus is quite a dynamic status check on our resources and values.  Saturn forms a T square to the full Moon and is still in a square to Mars as it has just dipped into Scorpio with the Sun.  The frustration and anger that is felt at this time will likely get very deep near the full moon as there is also a trine to our perspective shifting Pluto in Sagittarius.  Venus, the dispositor, takes her turn at aiding the release of old work and health patterns as she approaches the South Node.  She also has support from a trine to Saturn.  The restrictions we’ve faced or long term structures we’ve built will likely help us release these old patterns.  This is a great time for shadow work.  Allow yourself to feel what arises and see the path forward through it as you strive for balance in your life.

The last quarter challenge on December 4th in Leo square Mars in Scorpio urges us to integrate the passions that we deeply desire in life.  A trine to Jupiter in Aries offers supportive opportunities for independence and a trine to Uranus encourages us to create our own freedom by thinking outside the box.  Fold all of this into the context of the overall moonth and make sure to cultivate a relational balance with everything.  

The six month cycle of this new moon prompts a status check in May to the deeper aspects of life with the full moon in Scorpio.  The next full moon in Libra is not until May of 2025, placing a longer cycle on cultivating the balance we are striving for.

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