True Sidereal Astrology
Rooted in the Stars

Mainstream Astrology does not accurately match what we observe in the night sky.  True Sidereal Astrology matches the sky with greater accuracy.  If you have always felt like the horoscopes were a bit of a parlor trick, consider seeing what the actual sky reveals about you instead.

Many are searching for their tribe these days, myself included.  Tribes have spiritual leaders.  If you resonate with what you find here, I would be honored to be a spiritual leader for you.

About Dre the Pioneer Priestess

I found True Sidereal Astrology during my own soul search.  I’m an obsessive do it yourself type, and after coming across a few random astrology interviews, I started doing my own research.  I tend to look for the obscure in their field as they usually think for themselves and have a deeper knowledge of their subject.  That is how I found the small niche that is True Sidereal Astrology. 

I have often said that I feel like I was born in the wrong century.  I strongly gravitate toward a more mechanical, slow food & homesteading lifestyle.  I have personally found my purpose through my astrological studies and now understand why I have such a stubborn self-reliant energy.

Experiencing the sense of purpose that astrology has illuminated for me has inspired me to share this gift with others.  I invite you to join me on a journey of self-discovery and true self actualization


Everyone is capable of greatness! What is your purpose?

Birth Chart Reading + Progressed Moon


A look into the moment of your birth and how this sets you up for your life’s purpose with a focus on the North and South Node life path energy.  I will also include a brief view into the current theme of this time in your life with your current Progressed Moon placement.

A Look Ahead


Add this on to your birth chart reading (or as a follow-up for current clients) for a look at the major energies headed your way over the next year.

Readings for your Children

25% Off

As parents, we can see great potential in our children.  It can sometimes be challenging to see how to best guide them toward maximizing their full potential.  Understanding your child on this level can be quite helpful as a parent.  Learn what truly makes your child tick and become a spiritual leader for their journey.

Our children are the key to a brighter future for humanity.  This is an aspect of Astrology that I am passionate about.  Therefore, I am happy to offer a discount on my services for your children that are still under 18 years of age.

The Astrology Misconception

What is True Sidereal Astrology?

When you look up at the sky, the constellations on the ecliptic (the path that the sun appears to move along) are different sizes.  The chart I use takes this into consideration.  Astrology should be intimately connected with Astronomy.  In fact, most believe that tropical astrology is.  Here in lies the misconception…

The Sky Clock

Interested in a Personal Reading? Click here Capricorn New Moon 02-09-24 16:24:52 (-08:00) Embrace Change, Take Responsibility & Build Your Future There are two cycles …

Interested in a Personal Reading? Click here Sagittarius New Moon 01-11-24 03:12:38 (-08:00) Integrate New Perspectives with the Path Illuminated by Wounds There are two …

Interested in a Personal Reading? Click here Ophiuchus New Moon 12-12-23 16:35:43 (-08:00) Choose to Stay Present with your Wounds and Heal There are two …

Interested in a Personal Reading? Click here Libra New Moon 11-13-23 00:47:51 (-08:00) Finalize the Perspective Shift and Cultivate Balance in Your Life There are …

Value -> Currency -> Money -> Wealth


What holds importance in your life? What has efficacy for you? I value healthy interdependence or mutually beneficial exchanges.


The rate at which anything is generally valued. A convenient way to quantify value.


A stable store of value.


At it’s simplest, wealth is the value that you have stored less any bondages (or debt) in your life.  It is defined as prosperity and external happiness.  You must first discover what you value so that you can then quantify it and store it.  Remove any bondages and replace them with healthy interdependence.  That is when you will truly discover wealth.

I want you to feel free to get creative when exchanging value with me so that we can both build wealth. Let me know what you have to offer for my services when you schedule a reading with me. Together, we can create a mutually beneficial exchange.

I originally was somewhat skeptical about astrology and reached out to Dre not for a reading but moreso a lesson in the basics, which she did in the context of my birth chart. Frankly, astrology has never resonated with me, but she started by talking about this obscure sub-branch called true sidereal astrology and how it actually aligns to what you see in the sky, not just dividing the zodiac into perfectly even segments, which appealed to me right off the bat. The long and short was that under this new system, my signs all changed from what I thought they were and now what the readings said INSTANTLY resonated with me. As she described the various traits and challenges I have in my life I couldn’t believe how accurate it was. She offered sound advice and had great answers to all my questions. Very worth the money, it actually changed how I view my life in light of what she said the cosmos dictated would be my guiding principles in life- ones that I already knew were important but not consciously.

Dre is very knowledgeable and effective in articulating the world of astrology to her clients.  This is evidenced by the thoroughness of her readings and feedback.  I really appreciate the way she explained everything in the astrology chart and its relevance to my life…not only the “how”, but the “why”.  The work she is doing is truly impactful and wonderful!

Angie Burns

Contact Dre the Pioneer Priestess

email me at dre at pioneerpriestess dot com

or message @pioneerpriestess on Telegram